Hilltop International Christian Centre
Hot Line: +234-817-555-5309
About Rev. Chris Oarhe

Habitual, Not Situational

The best information about Rev. Chris Oarhe is that "He is not SITUATIONAL but HAIBITUAL about the things of God.". He has always lived like someone born to be what he is today right from his childhood. It might interest you to know that while in Primary School, he told his father that he want to become a Priest. So, what we are seeing in his life today is an outcome of his distinctive pre-disposition.

He is the Senior Pastor of Hilltop International Christian Centre worldwide. He is a trained medical professional who graduated from the University of Benin. He dropped everything about his profession in response to God's call. As a secondary school student, he was notably involved in school fellowship and Soul-Winning Activities. The same was spoken of him in his University days. He has always been passionate about God's work, and today, he is a global apostle to the glory of God.

b>Rev. Chris has positively affected lives in different ways. As a spreading Instrument and Vehicle of the Gospel of Salvation, he has turned many lives to the Kingdom of God. As a Leadership Coach, he has raised leaders worldwide who are now useful in the Vineyard of the Lord. As a Human Resource Developer, he has trained, guided, and mentored people who today have Financial Intelligence, Entrepreneurial Competence, and Business Management Expertise. As a disciplined servant of God who lived a decent life as a young boy, he has influenced many young people positively, and today they are living for God.

Skilled Instructors

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Online Classes

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Home Projects

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Book Library

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Rev. Chris. Oarhe
Senior Pastor
Hilltop Int'l Worldwide
Dr. Stephanie. Oarhe
Hilltop Int'l Worldwide
Pst. D. M. Adeleke
Resident Pastor
(Hilltop Headquarter Church)
Pst. Richard Whyks
Administrator General
(Hilltop International)
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You are invited to worhip with us.

(Rev. Chris & Dr. Stephanie Oarhe)